Sep 21, Orogenic gold, Ghana
Jun 21, Orogenic gold, Mali
April 21, Orogenic gold, Mali
March 21, Orogenic gold, Guinea
Feb 21, Orogenic gold, Finland
Jan 21, Cu porphyry, Peru
Feb 21, Orogenic gold, Colombia


Specialised Geological Mapping provides cost-effective geological mapping and modelling to mining, hydrocarbon and engineering companies. In a world of increasing specialization, where map-making skills are disappearing, we believe that making an objective map has also become a specialism.

We offer a mapping service backed up by geologists with considerable experience. Increasingly, we contribute to geological and resource models by integrating mapping and core logging into sophisticated 3D models. These models develop by integrating careful surface and underground observations with drill data. Structurally complex ore deposits, modelled using Mapinfo-Discover 3D and Leapfrog, are a speciality (see video example from Laiva gold mine in Finland)

Our maps and models provide a solid foundation for exploration, regardless of whether the properties are grassroots or relatively advanced. A well-made geological map, when combined with surface geochemistry, geophysics or seismic, guides drilling and ultimately saves exploration dollars. Likewise, engineering projects will benefit from maps of superficial deposits and geological hazards, such as compressible soils, abandoned mine workings and landslips.


Specialised Geological Mapping Ltd (‘SGM’) ran the first edition of this training course in September 2023. Warren Pratt and Chris Gordon led the trip, planned to become an annual occurrence.  The course was over-subscribed and we squeezed in a few extra bodies.

A total of 24 students from Industry and Academia, traveling from Peru, Ecuador, Iran, Kazakhstan, UK, France, Turkey, Sweden and Bulgaria, joined us in glorious autumn warmth at the Ulutaş Porphyry deposit in Northeast Turkey. They were trained in the rapid assessment, by mapping and quick-logging, of a typical porphyry Cu/Mo deposit. This fascinating deposit, with a skarn on the shoulder, currently mined by Demir Export, ticks many of the boxes for porphyry-style mineralization. It is also partly concealed beneath a younger cover, raising the possibility of ‘fossil’ supergene enrichment and exotic copper deposits. Certainly, there was plenty to discuss on the outcrop. The students learnt about the ‘SGM Shotgun style’ of mapping, with every observation georeferenced and captured digitally. Also about the famous Anaconda method. Evening sessions were spent making thematic maps, such as vein density and sericite %. All with laser-like focus on identifying new drill targets.

We have rarely encountered such an easy-going and enthusiastic group of geologists. Friendships were forged that will probably last a lifetime. In these times of conflict, war, bitterness, it is easy to forget that some things bring people together. A shared love of rocks in this case! See SEG Discovery magazine, April 2024, for student report.

Descent into Darkness

There are about fifteen of them. A mix of males and females, aged from about 10 to 60 years old. They stand in a crocodile row in front of the primitive checkpoint, shoulders bent, eyes fixed on the compacted mud road. Mostly dressed in tattered shirts, shorts, and sandals, they are the epitome of misery.

I’m curious. What’s this all about? My driver tells me this is their punishment for minor infractions, such as theft or adultery…….Read More